If I was your superhero, there would be no tomorrow.

8 12 2009

Well, I haven’t been up to much lately. Okay, maybe a little – but most of my time is spent at home. I shall just briefly summarize my week before I head off to bed. Yeah, I just don’t want to start collecting dust again –  so I am going to blog as regularly as I can! (:

Saturday, was at church for BASIC Amazing Race. The theme for the race was Superheroes, which I think is kinda cool! My all-time favorite superhero since young is Power Rangers! How about you? Come’on, how can people not like that? Haha. So overall, I think the race was pretty much fun! It was held at the Singapore Botanical Garden, and it was my first time there! Believe it or not! Awesome day and woke up the next morning with killer cramps on my legs. Poor chopsticks, suffered so much from all the running and stuff.

Pamper myself on Sunday with buffet! The whole day was about food! Woke up early and met all my relatives at Pariss @ Marina Square to celebrate my Granny’s 90th Birthday! It was sort-of a family function where we all got together on such a rare occasion. Everyone is growing so fast, my niece and nephew have all grown so much since I met them. Yes, I am an ‘Uncle’ to 5 kids – and one of them shares the same age as me. Interesting enough? (: On a side note, the birthday cake was delicioussss, like seriously.

Fast forward to today (because I am so lazy at elaborating things nowadays!), I had my dental appointment in the morning and as usual, I had problem getting myself out of bed. It literally took me 30 minutes to step out of bed after all those endless twist, turns and toss. After appointment, roamed around Ion for a bit before meeting Chris and Madeleine at Novena to get candies! They introduced me to this placed and I just fell in love with the sweets there. It’s called Made In Candy, and is located at the basement of United Square next to Subway! Must try, they have a widespread of flavors there and the people there give really good service and are superbly friendly. Thumps up! (:

After that, Chris and I trained back to Causeway Point to catch New Moon with the rest. Sorry (and Thank You!) to Gordon Kwok for having to tolerate my non-stop whining/ranting, screaming and occasional fake tearing throughout the movie! HAHAHA. Yes I know, but the plot for this movie was crap that it made me wanna kick the chair in front. Oh yes, and Happy Birthday Jean! Hope you like and is surprised with the cake and present that Chris and I bought for you! (: Enjoy and live life to the fullest.

Headed home after that while Dad bought home zillion packs of food. Delightful! Meeting up with Clare, Mam’ Marilyn and Ping Hau on Thursday to discuss about Fancy Drill than I am off to a 4-day camp on Friday which is suppose to be heavenly. Okay, I’ll update till here! Oh, and before I forget – TABBY IS OUT! ): I felt so damn sad and was tearing when I saw her dream being shattered like that. Yes, I am like a lil’ fan boy alright? But I believe she’ll go far and I see an album coming up from her.

Till next time people! Toodles love.

ain’t your big spender.

2 12 2009

Wednesday! Or shall I say that it’s Thursday already? But I am not use to the fact that another day has passed. I shall stick to Wednesday. This tells you how late I sleep every night. Ohwell, it’s just so typically me. (:

Yesterday, was trying to pamper myself the whole day but it failed – terribly. I was with the girls at town to shop for stuff. Ended up not buying anything except for a $4 anklet that we all bought together. Even the food at Pastamania made me feel sick. It was so creamy till I felt so bloated and felt like puking out. Gross I know, so let’s not even go there. But the fun and happening part of the day is when I was picking out dresses for the girls to try on, in the end they got none. Complete waste of my effort!

Today, woke up so early in the morning! Than received text from Sulivia that we’ll be meeting thirty minutes behind scheduled time. So I just laze and snooze a little on the sofa before I head to meet her, Chris and Fitria for breakfast at Chong Pang. Had awesome ‘You Tiao’ dunk in warm soya milk! Hmm, delightful! (: Headed to check on our FBT’s and got mineeee! Like finally. Shopped around North Point and ate at Sakae Sushi. WITNESS A FREAKIN’ SHOPLIFTING CASE! So interesting, more interesting and dramatic than those crappy drama that Channel 8 keep producing. Headed home after that! Was too tireddd.

I’ve gotta go get some rest now. Have to wake up early tomorrow, because I am determined to get myself breakfast! (: Chris and Sulivia, remember our deal with the bag! Much love, toodlessss. (:

Found twisted on the floor.

30 11 2009

Okay, honestly I don’t know what got into me that made me sit down here to update. *blow the dust away* If you close-up on the picture above, you can really tell my maturity – like really! Regular pimps outbreak and a moustache about to boom out any moment. Someone really need to teach me how to shave, but I guess I sort of have a phobia to do that. It’s like shaving off your skin and the idea of it freaks me out. Ew, nightmares.

So what have I been up to for the past couple of weeks? School. Holiday. Home. Pretty much simple! I didn’t go to school for the last 3 days – don’t see a point explaining myself here. Holiday was OVERALL pretty much alright. Everyday is like, filled with dozens of coffee break and chopping into their free ‘high-speed’ internet access. Oh hell, even my grandmother walks faster than it loads. But I did some shopping there, got some shirts and shorts. There’s pretty much it. No highlights for this trip, that’s how sad it is – only a truckload of pictures for viewing. Okay, I shall just upload a few so that this post won’t be so lengthy on text:

There you go! Just some shots. For the full collection, visit my Facebook page then. (: So recently, I have been sleeping at 3am and waking up at 3pm, besides those days where my Dad would scream and drag me out of bed to have morning breakfast. I am always on my bed, like seriously – even when I am using the net. My bed has been my best friend for the past week. Finally tomorrow I am going out to breathe some fresh air with BFFs! Going to Salvation Army for thrift shopping. Yes, we are saving the gaia! Hoping to get some vintage craps there.

December, a very busy month for me I would see. It’s very packed for me! But at least it’s time for me to have the time of my life before going back to school next January. OMG. School – don’t even talk about it.

  1. 5th Dec: Superheroes! Amazing Race
  2. 6th Dec: Family Function! Celebration of Granny’s B’day + Wedding Dinner (GONNA MISS SGB FOR THIS!)
  3. 11th – 14th Dec: BB/GB Combined Camp 2009 @ City Beach Resort
  4. 17th – 20th Dec: BASIC Camp 2009 @ NACLI
  5. 23rd Dec: ARPC Christmas Musical
  6. 31st Dec: ARPC New Years Eve Dinner + Watchnight Service

Don’t wanna add any school events or training dates in, cause it would just be an endless list. Spare me somemore time! I’ve got so much to do in a months time! I still have got my art to complete. Crap! Alright, I shall end here. Go excited about tomorrow that I’ll be bouncing in bed. Till next time, I don’t know when! I’ll try not to collect dust here alright – toodlesss! (:



Baby, throw your heart out.

13 11 2009


Finally – a proper update I hope! Just pray that I won’t slacken off halfway through updating this entry! Well basically, I was at Caldecott Hill on Wednesday to catch Singapore Idol Spectaculars. Thanks to Jean’s mum for the tickets! So Yi Ling, Sulivia, Gordon, Christina and Elvina met at Yishun Interchange first, along with Gordon’s sister. Everyone was late except Yi Ling, Elvina and I. Plus, we played a trick on Sulivia – and she fell for it, as usual.

Ohmygod, I swear I almost passed out due to excitement. The atmosphere there was so good and being LIVE in studio is so much better than watching it on television. And of course, I was definitely feeling starstruck that night! Here’s a few picture that will do the talking:


With Justin Jap


With Farhan Shah


With Florance Lian


With Dick Lee


With Sezairi Sezali

See what I mean? Haha. So while waiting for the Results Show, during the one-hour break, they had this talent competition. The ang-moh girls = CMI. Speaking about the ‘ang-moh’ people, not trying to be racist or anything, but some of them are really a bitch. Gordon and Elvina were walking slowly cause they were talking and sharing stuff, than this group of ang-moh/bitch girls came and this started:

*Gordon and Elvina walking* Bitch: Excuse me, ________ (I dont know what she said, but started with F) boy. *laughs and pushes them aside while Gordon and Elvina inserts blank face*

I immediately walked behind them and shouted, “Ohmygod, damn bitches here! Wanna bitch about people! Don’t know their manners and the word Excuse Me is it? Hell to those bitches.” And they didn’t even realise, dumb bitches. They went up to embarrass themselves during the talent competition, during some stupid routine when they were asked to sing. If any Singapore Idol producers are reading this, please don’t pass them a microphone – because it would be a crime if you did so. They are just simply creating pollution with their action and words. Save the earth people.

Reached home that night seven minutes past twelve. Slept and was late for promotional roadshow the next day! Plus, fell asleep while editing the pictures yesterday. How great can it be, I am too hardworking. =P Skip to today, had Art the whole day without break. Did my research and my target for this holiday is to finish up my 21-piece, not inclusive of the rejected ones. Going to get my materials on Sunday I think. Ate Mac and checked out prices at Popular before heading home sweet home. I am freakin’ tired now and you can so tell that I am getting lazier to update this entry.

UG ‘Camp’ tomorrow from morning till evening! Another tiring day, I better get some rest now! Hope my parents get me some fruit tarts on their way home from Jurong Point! Bye peeps. (:


10 11 2009



“all eyes on me, i took the night.”

6 11 2009

Haha, you guys wanna know something? I haven’t packed for my camp yet, and I am leaving in an hours time! Plus I haven’t bath or changed out of my uniform. I am just done with the latest episode of ANTM and I guess I shall shoo off now to get my stuff ready. Meeting Gordon and Joseph for dinner at RP Subway! (:

See you guys, be back tomorrow evening. (:

you can’t hide in skype.

3 11 2009

I had a fun time Skype-ing with Muhd Rasyad Bin Phiroze! Thank you for making my day. (:

with love.

2 11 2009

I love my grandmother the most. ♥

“all i’ve got’s the floor.”

21 10 2009


I need to get out of my misery, and this is my remedy.

“No more poison killing my emotion,
I will not be frozen
Dancing is my remedy remedy oh.”

alternative, yes please.

20 10 2009


“If I beg and if I cry
Would it change the sky tonight?
Would it give me some light?
Is there any hope at all?
I am slowly drifting by..”

Disappointment. It’s the word to describe how I am feeling right now. In fact, I feel trashy and lousy. Despite teachers telling me that I’ve improved, but I guess it’s just not enough. If improvement was what my parents were looking for, than I guess I would pretty much be happy now. But the fact is that, they don’t. They love making life complicated and frustrating for me. I have lost faith and hope in myself academically, just waiting to face what’s to come next.

I have actually been thinking about this for quite sometime. I have been thinking, if there was an alternative for me besides continuing my education next year. I don’t want to waste my time anymore, I don’t need the school to make decisions for me anymore. I am honestly unhappy, and think that it’s unfair. I obviously can’t do well in the subjects that I didn’t pick – it was offered to me and I had no choice. How about that.

I just, can’t stand it anymore. And to you my friend, you still got us – don’t feel disheartened. Together with many of my classmates, we are really thinking through and wondering what our next chapter of life would be like. The school holds our answer, and it sucks. Major.